Tuesday, July 15, 2008


It should be noted that I created this account and blog out of a feeling of positivity and it is gone now.

It took me ten minutes to create the goddamned google account to create this fiasco in progress. Every time I entered that jumbled pile of letters into the little box it was wrong. Admittedly, the first one was way too jumbled to even guess. The second was much clearer, as were the third and fourth. The fifth was not so much clear as it was completely unreadable, and the sixth came back to normal. Finally after attempting to contact google to tell them what a piece of crap their sign in thing is, and failing at that as well, I tried one more time. Completely garbled mess of letters once again, but I guessed anyway. Success. And here I am.

I was all happy and had a ton of awesome stuff to write but this will have to suffice for the first post. Sorry about that.

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