Monday, September 8, 2008

Book Five Completed!

This one was a doozy. I just now finished Rant by Chuck Palahniuk, and all I want to say is fucking wow. I won't go too much into detail, because everything is completely up front (if you happen to read it, and from the get go alarm bells go off and there is a little voice in the back of your head protesting conventional reason, take a moment to listen) and I didn't believe it til later in the book. It is easily the most fucked up thing I have ever read, and totally brilliant. Do. Not. Skip. This. Book. Ever. I seriouly could not put it down.

I'm going to have to read it again, to really take all of it in, but with that, I've knocked out five books for the rest of the year in just under two months. Luckily, while I was complaining about wanting to read everything I bought and never read, I still had a ton more in the collection and bought a bunch more anyway.

Next up: The Bang Bang Club: Snapshots of a Hidden War by Greg Marinovich and Joao Silva.


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