Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Couple Cooks and a Lovely Vacation

Kate and I just got back from lovely (if rainy) Martha's Vineyard. It was very relaxing, and I miss it already, but I've decided I will be once again be joining up at my favorite restaurant. Next summer, me and Johnny are all about owning that island, or to be more precise, a small apartment somewhere in O.B. where we will write, draw, paint, drink and play video games. The excellence will know no bounds.
Meanwhile, on this trip, I finished The Bang Bang Club, which was brutal, heartbreaking and eye openning (and real). Needs to be read to be believed. We also picked up a few, one of which I finished within the few days we were there. Waiter Rant: Thanks for the Tip - Confessions of a Cynical Waiter is everything I've ever wanted to see become reality. Someone with a razor keen wit and eagle caliber observation just laying the fucking smackdown on the every prick who thinks it's their right, nay, responsibility to fuck with humble waitstaff. The dressing down is not limited to asshole guests, I found a few habits of my own that are (what should be obviously) undesirable. Very fun read.
The next one up is The Stranger (or L'Etranger) by Albert Camus. It's off to a very somber start, and I'm not sure where it's going, but I'm enjoying the anticipation. I can't put my finger on it, but something is just way off. We'll see.


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