Thursday, September 25, 2008

Books and Driving

Okay, two quick topics here.

I've finished another book and completely dropped one. I finished Choke, by Chuck Palahniuk, which I thought was great (still like Rant the best though!). As expected, it revolves around a completely immoral anti-hero, Victor, who pays for his mother's health care by scamming money from people he scams into saving his life. Oh, and he's a walking pile of psychological trauma. Big fun.

The book I've dropped was Pulp by Charles Bukowski. I don't know why, I just fucking hated it. I could not get into it for the life of me. Maybe it's good. Maybe it's terrible. I'll never know.

Second, is driving. Seriously, not too difficult. The lines in the road? Stay between them. Follow them unless you need a different one, then try to cross into that one without killing anyone. If you're in a lane, and it stops, or goes in a direction other than what you want, don't pretend like you don't know it's not the same as the one next to it. Then don't get angry when people don't let you into their lane when you decide at the very last second to merge without warning. Trust me, if you don't do it like a dick, you'll be just fine.

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