Friday, September 5, 2008

Obama - Celebrity?

Okay, they haven't played this card too much in the last couple weeks, but it still bugs the shit out of me. I wonder why they cut that shit out?

They went off on this tangent about Obama's "celebrity status." I couldn't figure out why this bugged the hell out of me. Why, why, why does that bother me so?

A president. His guns were the only law! "Cut and run in Grenada" was his only order!

Speaker at the last Republican National Convention ("FAW MAW YEAHS!!!"x30)

Recently failed presidential candidate.

Oh, I figured it out. It's okay to be a white celebrity and be involved in politics. It's okay to weild your ACTUAL celebrity status, as opposed to an assumed celebrity status, when you're touting nice tax cuts for rich people (some of which are ACTUAL celebrities), telling women they can't decide what happens inside their bodies, promoting a war, or telling people they don't deserve to be married (what's that, Thompson? I can't hear you shouting about the sanctity of marriage over your D I V O R C E). How fucking shameless are you?


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